
March 20, 2020
Below you'll find a list of Publications where my Photography has been featured.

From a young age I looked through magazines, admiring the photography within them. I escpically enjoyed reading Vogue, Elle & Harpers Bazaar, the Fashion & Editorial photography never failed to inspire me. A year or so ago, I decided to plan a shoot with the focus of getting the images published in a Magazine. These images can be found within the 'Fashion & Editorial' section of my website with the beautiful model, Sydney. I knew I needed an element to make my images stand out, obviously this had to be a horse?

I have always hoped of having my photography featured in a magazine, it was surreal experience reciving my first ever publication that featured my photography!

After I'd found my willing models, I built a team of trusted creatives to bring on board for the shoot. Amelia Brownhill took control of the styling which was amazing as always and Chloe Gray worked her wonders with Make up and hair. I decided to make the most of the day we would shoot 3 different looks, the first being the most simple with just the model on the horse in situ, experimenting with interesting poses to make the images eye catching. Next, we used a canvas hand painted backdrop in the middle of the horses field to create a juxtaposition, I used the clean lines of the backdrop meeting the location to play on this more. Thirdly, after another outfit and make up change, I added a vairety of vintage props to the existing backdrop along with extra lighting to give off a dusk affect. I was lucky enough to have multiple images from the second look published in Selin Magazine as well as images also published in Mob Journal from the last look.

Onto to 17:23 MAG & MALVIE Mag with Caitlin...

These images can be found within the 'Fashion & Editorial' section of my website with the beautiful model Caitlin. Caitlin got in touch in need of some portfolio images. She had already got the important basics but wanted to expand her portfolio in order to break in the areas of modelling she's most interested in. These being Fashion & Editorial. She was nice enough to give me full creative control over the shoot, to make the most of our time together we decided to shoot 3 looks. For Caitlin's second look we went for an editorial make up look, using red lipstick on her eyes to create a messy but clean look along with sleek hair and the use of a simple red fabric to create an eye catching collection of images that have been published in 17:23 MAG. For her final look we used dark earthy tones to create a moodier set of images, in contrast to our previous looks. We went for a wet look hair along with a wet look eye make up to really enhance the drama within the images which have been featured in MALVIE Mag. Take a look below at the full list of publications:

  • Vogue UK
  • Spotify
  • 17:23 MAG
  • Mob Journal
  • MALVIE Mag
  • Selin magazine

Skiin Cosmetics are an amazing beauty brand which you will have seen all over my website! I always love working with the brand but was especially happy to hear they needed an eye catching product shot to go along with their feature in Vogue UK. After discussing with the brand, they wanted to still keep a clean white product aesthetic but to add a creative flare. Keeping with the aesthetic, I used the contents of the brands products to create an interesting backdrop to place the products on top of. This is a great way to display the products in all there glory, the photography worked really well within the publication and I was so happy to see my work in such a world renowned magazine.

This ones a little different to a Magazine Publication but still just as exciting! After working with Precious Pepala on mulitiple occasions I was so happy to hear about her record deal with Darkroom Records! After releasing her first single, 'My Eyes Only', she was featured in multiple playlists, including Spotifys 'New music Friday'. I was excited to see that my photography from one of our first shoots was feature as the artwork for the Spotify playlist. I can't wait to see where her career takes her!

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